Monday, May 21, 2012

We Have Light! (and some color, too!)

Another action packed weekend at the new house, and we got a lot done.

Poor Rusty McNose, he got textured by his daddy again! While Lawrence was texturing the dining room and the front entrance, the dog once again walked by and got splattered, as well as brushed up against one of the textured walls, so this time he had texture on both ears, his snout, the top of his head, and along one side between his front and back leg. It was so bad this time we actually had to cut out some of the fur to get it all, but he's so fluffy anyway, no one will notice.

The two guest rooms and the study all have ceiling fans with lights now, and the living room has a big ceiling fan with new light fixtures on either side of it. This living room fan is 5'8" wide! The blades have a deep pitch to them so even on low, it moves a lot of air. It looks like an airplane propeller...very cool!

Lawrence climbed into the attic early on Saturday morning before it got hot outside to roll out 3 rolls of insulation in areas that had none at all. We can already tell a difference.

We finally got the garage door opener that came with the house working, even though it will eventually need to be redone as it was very poorly done the first time. We had to make arrangements for power and a switch in the garage to activate it. We also programmed the built in remote device in the Honda so Lawrence can take the actual garage door remote with him on the bicycle to get in and out of the garage. Because we got the garage door working, we had to also replace one of the locks on one of the doors leading into the house.

We still need to tape and prepare the kitchen and master bedroom for texture and paint, as well as both bathrooms.

That's it in a nutshell because I wanted to post some pictures of various things:

Here's the new living room fan and one of the fixtures. We were lighting it from directly below so that's why the shadow is so big.

Lawrence installing the fan. You get a good idea how big the fan is compared to him.

Blue tape and plastic everywhere. The place is a mess, but one day it will be beautiful!

Some of the beautiful flowers around the yard....

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